September 11

Team 1: Treherne, MB - Winnipeg, MB

Team 2: Kipling, MB - Winnipeg, MB

Day 5 – Summary


Catch up with the national riders on Sunday, September 11th as we make our way through Saskatchewan. Neil gave the morning’s dedication and thanked Sue and her family for letting us invade their world for 12 hours. Breakfast in Kipling is a cozy home cooked affair. We had a group photo with Finnsperation at Kiplings big paper clip. And today we rode for Alex.

ADDED Late on September 11

Kipling to Brandon

Kipling to Winnipeg

Kipling, Saskatchewan

Wawota, Saskatchewan

Treherne – Winnipeg

Rolling through Banff

News Articles from Winnipeg

Cross-Country Cancer Ride Arriving in Winnipeg