September 12

Team 1 & 2: Winnipeg, MB - Atikokan

Day 6 – Summary


Last night the Teams went to the hospital to meet one of the Ambassadors.
Crystal-Marie, Crystal’s Mom helped to set it up. Last year Crystal was able to speak to the riders. At that time she spoke about her best friend Marisa who had cancer and passed away March 2010.
Crystal-Marie also has Muscular Dystrophy. This has made her treatments even more difficult. The Dr’s have to make sure that the chemo doesn’t get into her spinal cord. During cancer treatment she went into respiratory failure and needed to have a trach put in. She is now ventilator dependent.

Winnipeg / Falcon Lake / Fort Frances / Thunderbay

Today we leave Falcon Lake and we ride for all the family and parents. Light rain, late start, but we picked up fresh legs! Terry Linseman is with us to Thunderbay. We were greeted in Kenora by a woman who shared the three recent losses she has experienced due to cancer. Today, we ride for family and parents. Its a little windy here in Kenora. The table is tipped to shield e cook stove. Hot chili was appreciated! Good job crew!

Awesome shots as usual – thank you Egbert, Mark and Jess!

Getting ready to ride!

From the Blogs

Here are some great snippets from the rider and volunteer blogs:

  • When one has a child who is sick, who is terminal, perspective changes. You search for a lot of answers. You try to find solutions. You hold out hope, because you know that even when the odds are stacked against you, there is hope. Why not believe? Read more of Len Pace’s blog post
  • A visit to Winnipeg Children’s Hospital further reinforces the reason we are all here. Strangers a few hours, or a few days before, immediately bonded. I slowly make my rounds meeting people, hearing fascinating stories. Riders and Volunteers, no difference, all here to try and do a little bit more. Read more of Craig Campbell’s blog post
  • And here’s a funny post on what the chase vehicle does on the road at SNKCR:

In the News..

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