Kathy Pecjak
Age: 41 years old
Occupation: State Farm Insurance Agent
Hometown: Owen Sound, Ontario
Family: Happily committed to Paul O’Halloran for past 8 years and mother of 2 wonderful daughters Ginny, 18 and Meagan, 17 years old
My biggest physical accomplishment(s) to date: The Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk
In the News: Woman ready for ride to fight childhood cancer
Today is the Day to Make a Difference
I was reminded the other day about how I love to ride my bicycle. I have always loved to ride my bicycle. In fact, my father was often told that someone had once again seen me riding around town on my bicycle reading a book and riding with no hands. My bicycle could take me anywhere and I didn’t have to rely on others. Even in high school, I would ride my bicycle all over to get where I wanted to be. As an adult, I enjoy riding my bicycle as it takes me away from the thoughts and worries of everyday life. It is liberating to be on my bicycle and truly enjoy nature and the world around me. On this ride, once again, my bicycle will take me on an adventure that I could experience no other way. Not only will it liberate me, but the funds that I can raise will help to liberate children and their families. It seems that throughout my life, I can go anywhere if I have my bicycle.
It was about this time last year, when I spoke to my husband numerous times about having the need to do something that would truly make a difference in the world. I didn’t really know what I was going to do but I did know that I had reached a point in my life where I needed to give back for all of the blessings that I have.
In May, I was listening to my local radio station and heard a commercial by the Barenaked Ladies about the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride. I heard the commercial run all day long but when I questioned Paul or my friends about it, no one else had noticed the ad. I decided that I had to be a part of this ride and I went on line and applied that week. About two weeks later, the national riders came through Owen Sound and I went to meet them. I was amazed by their stories and even more inspired to become a National Rider in 2009.
At the time of applying, I was fortunate enough to not have known any children afflicted with cancer and felt that my reason for riding was this good fortune and the fact that as a mother I could not possibly imagine the feeling that would consume a parent who heard that their child had cancer. I have always felt that kids should be able to be kids and this is one circumstance that makes that nearly impossible. A few weeks ago due to business, I was reconnected with a friend of mine that I hadn’t spoken with in quite a few years. She updated me on her children in an email and mentioned that her son Austin had been diagnosed with cancer but was currently in remission. I told her all about the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride and how the week before I had found out that I was chosen to be a national rider. The next thing I knew, I received an email from another friend of ours who I hadn’t heard from in about 10 years and I found out that her daughter Emi had died from cancer last year. These kids and all of the others that I don’t know are the reason that I am riding across Canada this summer. I cannot wait to meet the children that your donation dollars will help. These children are our future and whatever I am able to do to ensure that they are able to have their own future, I am excited to be able to do.
This is the journey of a lifetime that my bicycle and I can accomplish only with your help. Please support the cause and all of the 38 National Riders in anyway that you can.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘what are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King