
Organize. Support. Inspire

Thank you for you interest in volunteering to support this exciting and challenging event.

Volunteers are the hub of this fundraising event. They contribute enthusiasm, time and skills to build a successful event for the charities we support. A wide range of capabilities are required. If you have a few hours, a few days or a few weeks to help out, we would be thrilled to hear from you.

The spirit of the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride is rooted in the enthusiasm of the volunteers! The rewards are many when you put your energy, your compassion, and your encouragement to work against the devastation of childhood cancer.

Become a volunteer because:
- you hold the power to heal
- you possess the capacity to help
- and you have the resolve to take action

The Volunteer Corps is a very diverse group of people. We do our best to find a place for all who are interested in volunteering. Volunteers and guests must be at least 13 years old.

Volunteer today!

Contact us toll-free at 1-866-381-4446 or complete click here to access our online sign up form.