Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation, the organizer of the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride, believes that volunteerism is a fundamental and key aspect to this Event. A strong support base of volunteers allows for the majority of donations raised togo directly to the childhood cancer charities that the event supports. As a primarily volunteer- based organization, your involvement is vital to the success of this event. You will help make a meaningful difference in the fight against childhood cancer while actively enjoying a life-changing experience that will stay with you forever.
There are many ways in which you can volunteer for the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride - and the contribution of each and every volunteer will make a significant difference to this phenomenal event supporting worthy childhood cancer charities across Canada.
We realize that not everyone can commit to an extended period of time for a volunteer position during the duration of the Event. With that in mind, there are a number of different volunteer opportunities to fit your availability, talents and expertise. There is a great deal of work in many critical areas that can be done before, during and after the Event whether you have only a few hours, a day or more.
Who Should Volunteer
The Sears National Kids Cancer Ride Volunteers are a passionate, diverse and talented group of people. We do our best to find a place for those eager to volunteer, keeping in mind the areas that allow them to best leverage their skills and talents, and interests.
Volunteer Opportunities Before the Event
Here are a few of the key volunteer activities we need your help on before the event:
- Route planning and marking
- Assistance around grass roots marketing activities to promote the Event in and across local communities;
- Developing and planning Family Community Events;
- Helping to secure local, regional, and national sponsors;
- Extending and expanding the reach of the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride website and other online communication vehicles;
- Photographers, photojournalists and videographers to document the pre-Event planning, activities and overall journey leading up to the Event;
- Trainers (fitness/sports, nutritional etc) to support the National cyclists;
- Help with organizing and planning around local and/or national volunteer teams;
- General help with the many planning activities required to orchestrate and stage the largest, and most exciting charity event in support of childhood cancer in the world!
Volunteer Opportunities During the Event
The Sears National Kids Cancer Ride spans a 7,600 km route from Vancouver to Halifax, travelling through most of the major cities across Canada. We anticipate thousands of cyclists will register for the opportunity to ride and fundraise in this Event. The route was created to give cyclists the opportunity to ride across different terrains, with their safety in mind. Along this route, cyclists will have access to rest stops providing food, water and washroom facilities, as well as medical and mechanical assistance.
National, Stage, and Community Family Events held during the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride will require passionate and dedicated volunteers to help the cyclists along the way. Volunteers are welcome to be part of the full journey over the span of a month, or to simply contribute a few hours of their time on any given day between June 2nd and June 20th, 2008. So whether you have some special skills or just want to lend a hand, your support will be greatly appreciated. Here is a small sampling of some of the areas and roles in which volunteer support will be required during the Event:
- EMC, Medical and safety support for the National and Stage cyclists;
- Entertainers for the local events (both in major city centres and smaller communities);
- Massage therapists, physiotherapists and sports medicine therapists
- Bike mechanics;
- Public relations and media relations experts;
- Communications experts;
- Volunteers to help manage rest stops – pick up and transport supplies, set up and man rest stops across the country;
- Volunteers to drive trucks for route support;
- Photographers, photojournalists and videographers to document the journey;
- Webmasters and avid bloggers to document the journey online for all Canadians to follow in real time;
- Volunteers to help with fundraising activities;
- Volunteers to just help out with the many behind the scenes support activities around operations, facilities, logistics etc.
So, whatever time you can spare to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated!
Pre and Post-Event Volunteering
The need for eager, willing and dedicated volunteers does not stop when the Event is over!. We will need your help to follow up with all the participants, sponsors, volunteers, and communities that make the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride possible.
Volunteer Today!
Call us Toll-Free at 1-866-381-4446 or click here to access our online volunteer registration form.