Rider Blogs

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National Riders:

Lee Andrews Sam Babe Christopher Blackman
Conrad Blanchet Celine Bourque Andy Brooks
Damian Brown Daniel Charpentier Gord Cheong
Glen Choma Blair Cumming Lisa Currer
Jennifer Davies Carol Dawson Carlo Di Domizio
Neil Duncan Eric Edwards James Foster
Jonathan Gallant Roger Gallant Lili Hrabchak
Allan Jeffries Lynne Jenkins Maziar Kavianpour
Mary-Ellen Kelly Will Kowalczyk Heather Libbey
Daniel Lynch Rod Macdonald Michel Marquis
Dan McDonogh Elizabeth McIlroy Drew Molnar
John Murray David Punga Ross Rader
Fred Roberts Martin Roy Trevor Ryan
David Salenieks Brian Simpson Keith Smith
Madelyn Smith Hannah Spence Stephanie Speth
Meredith Stockie Kris Walsh Dan + Carrie Warkentin
Dan Watt Scott Weldon Jad Yaghmour